Happy last Friday of May, satisfyingly landing on the actual last day of May 💪

I write this as I make my way to the last jsconf.eu - number 10, or 'X'. I've had the great pleasure of speaking at the first jsconf.eu, one (…or two…?) in the middle and closed out last year's event. The conference has a very special place in my heart and if you're going along too, I hope you have a great time.

For me it's been a busy month, my blogging has gone a little overdrive and I've completed two fully working side projects (more on this later…I suspect!).

On the blog

The focus of my posts very much continue to be advancing my static site features.

Firstly it was important to support "shortcut links" on my blog (so that I could navigate to remysharp.com slash twitter - and it would jump to the latest post matching "twitter" in the slug). Secondly was the ability to search (I know Angolia is a great 3rd party solution here, but I also knew I could code my own solution).

Search & dynamic shortcut links for a static site goes into detail on how to pull terms out of static files and create a responsive JavaScript search with some basic algorithmic weighting logic.

In an attempt to rid myself of Google Analytics, I've been looking at Goaccess and I found that there were certain tricks to get Netlify to allow me to access AWS credentials and how to compile binaries specifically for Netlify images. The result is statically driven (public access) logs:

And now for something completely different, here's the story of how my front teeth got smashed out and the fun last 12 months I've had getting them back 😁

Monthly recommend

Some of these might not be new, but I've found them exceptionally useful.

  • Firefox's send service (and an accompanying command line tool). It's one I've been passing on to my non-technical family and friend.
  • Updown.io a monitoring & notification service I rely on for 10 different websites. The pricing is superb (disclaimer: the link is a referral link - you'll get 100K credits and I get 100K if you go on to buy credit) and making uptime public is super easy.
  • Explain Shell an interesting interface to help grok how command line tools work and what their arguments mean. Probably useful if you're not 100% sure what's about to happen.

My bits

I've got a few ways that you can support my writing, code and work.

Thanks for reading and I'll speak to you again in June,

– Remy 👋

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