Remy Sharp's blog Welcome!

Hello and welcome to my b:log. I'm Remy Sharp, a developer running my own business called Left Logic out of Brighton, UK. This place will mostly concentrate on web, code, a touch of business and some other personal pieces too - all available here or as a friendly RSS feed. Enjoy!

Latest: What is good web design, and bad web design?

My son, aged 13, was given this question for his homework recently. As someone (me!) having worked on the web professionally since 1999, I felt a connection to this particular bit of homework. Obviously we clashed (homework sucks, both for kids, parents and teachers) - but I thought it would be a good exercise for me to try to answer.

I will add that I don't consider myself the authority on this answer, but I have been attending design, user experience and developer conferences for over 15 years - so hopefully I've learnt a thing or two.

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