ffconf is created and run by myself and Julie, and my most important job is to curate very best content for the year. Each year is a challenge, but as the year progresses, I ask myself: what's important to the web, the way we work and how can we improve?
The sessions will make you and your business better from day to day. So why should you attend ffconf?
Accessibility (or a11y) is not only a legal concern, but if you believe in the inclusivity of the web, then it's your moral obligation to include it in the output of your work. Compound this by the simple fact that good accessibility design in web sites leads to overall improved UX.
There's no doubt, it matters. But do you know how it all works in the browser? Do you understand the quirks and what tools are available at your fingertips to help this development workflow?
Our TECHNOLOGIC (HUMAN AFTER ALL): ACCESSIBILITY REMIX session, with a little help from Daft Punk, we will explain accessibility mechanics in the browser, why CSS isn't just about looking good, and what tools you can use to get ahead of the game.
Get your tickets today or find out more about ffconf.