Finally, they've made a film about that grey area.
The Last Kiss is a film staring Zack Braff (Scrubs and Garden State) in his late 20s with a pregnant girlfriend, finding himself starring down the rest of his uninspiring life and wondering whether there will be any more surprises.
His friends each have their own 'life crises' which you can see Michael, Zack's character, trying to back away from ending up like them.
In a desperate attempt to add some va-va-voom back in to his life, he decides to call on a college girl (University for us Brits) who shows a shines to Michael early on in the movie.

This is a particularly interesting area, because it's a minefield of conflict. Yes, they did break your heart, but yes, you still love each other.
This particular genre of film usually stars a lead of females and is targeted to the female audience. However, main (not lead) characters are all men, and the women are not painted in a very good light - but rather with broad stereotypical strokes.
This makes an interesting change, as it feels like a film for the more 'sensitive man' of the 2000s.
It is good to see Zack Braff playing a different character from the usual cooky chap we all know and love. You'll find yourself liking him, then disliking him, then back and forth - giving the film an authentic and realistic feel to how we're all human and we all make stupid mistakes.
There's a great, on the nail speech about how we're all trying to race through life, and hitting those mid-life crises about 10 years earlier than our parents. There's also a few moments where your brain goes in to auto-pilot when you prepare for the usual Hollywood easy route to happiness, and the film actually deals a card from reality.
I would have rated the film 4 out of 5, but the film probably won't appeal to a large general audience and there are moments towards the end where you find yourself asking: "what happened to so-and-so?"
out of 5 stars.Directed by: Tony Goldwyn
There are also some moving moments that will probably catch most walks of life.
The best thing about this film is the discussion it inspires after you've finished watching the film.