I've been talking about it pretty much all year, and I've been doing more and more towards actually starting my own company.

Left Logic is the name I actually came up with - and it even had an available domain - pretty much a first for me on the Internet.

This week I've been thinking more and more about it, and what I need to know what I need to get together, and so on.

DL - where I work now, have said they would support me, so I'm confident I'll be okay for a while.

It's really just the leap I needed to take now. They say to jump of the edge and your parachute will open...

I found a web site (well, it was recommended for the cost) and started those uneasy steps...to registering my own company.

Aw - come on - it's not like registering a domain, it's a big thing for a first timer!

So, mouse at the ready - poised to do it - just told the wife, about to click YES! SIGN ME UP when, plooob, my Internet is down.

Frickin' typical. Can't start a web business because the Internet is down. That's gotta be some sort of sign.

20 minutes later - we're back!

I put my details in, yes, I'm going to be 'Left Logic Ltd', I put in my card details. Mouse hovering over the 'Buy' button.

::Flashback:: I'm 10 years old, standing on the very top diving board at the swimming pool, and there's a queue behind me. I know I'm going to belly flop, so it's a simple choice: back away and look like a cowardly fool, or step off (what? you though I was going to dive? I was 10!) the diving board and belly flop that water like no 10 year old kid had done before. I even managed to belly flop my hands. They were very red...

I clicked. Done. Sort of. Lots of details to fill out. Not to worry - all filled out.

The only thing that may stop the application going through is I changed the share capital from 100 x £1 shares to 1000 x 10p shares. Not sure if that's okay to do, but I'll find out tomorrow.

All in all, I'm feeling pretty proud of myself.

That said, in reality, the experience was the equivalent of buying a pair of shoes online. Well...except you don't have the Inland Revenue knocking down your door a year later when you've failed to pay the tax on your shoes.