Closely based on Stephanie Hurlburt's tweet-form rider

If you're interested in having me speak at your conference I've included a number of ways you can contact me in at the end of this page.

I'm very honoured you've decided to invite me to your event and I want all conferences and events to be welcoming to all. So with that in mind, this is my speaker & inclusivity rider. It's a constant work in progress, and I understand smaller meetups and community events may not be able to meet all requirements. However, this rider does apply to all commercial conferences.

The rider

1. Code of Conduct: There is public Code of Conduct linked available on your conference pages.

2. Speaker Diversity: as a white cis man, I count as "another white dude" at your event, and I want to see conferences showing off the truly diverse world we live in. The event will have at least 40% non white-cis-men speaking.

3. Costs covered: travel and lodging for all speakers is covered. Please note that I will not fly economy for long haul flights.

4. Payment: if I'm being paid for my talk, all other speakers are also offered at least what I am being offered.

5. Workshop payment (if applicable): a full day (or multi-day) workshop is paid at either an agreed minimum fee or a 50:50 profit split.

✻ I hope to see this number increase in time.
† That's to say: people who are "not like me".

These requirements are important to me because I'm in a position in my career that I can help towards making conferences more positive and safe in this small way.

I'd also like to add that I struggle with this kind of language and being able to articulate exactly what I want to see happen. I'm a skilled developer but not a skilled HR individual. However, I do know that a full line up of white men at an event is not something I can be part of any more and I want to be part of positive change in our industry.

Making contact

Email is preferred and most reliable (as it gives us all a historical thread of conversation). If your email goes unanswered, please don't hesitate to re-email (my apologies).

You can email at - this email goes to me and my business partner (who makes sure you receive a reply).

For best results, please include the following details if you can:

  • Whether the rider requirements are fulfilled (or when you expect they'll be fulfilled if you're in the early planning stages)
  • The date of the event
  • The location of the event and nearest airport
  • What you want me to speak about (ideally you have an idea)


If you have feedback or positive suggestions on the language used in this rider, I would welcome your help to improve it - please email me directly at