jq recipes
All demos link to jqterm - an alternative interactive jq web terminal with autocomplete (and faster querying with large datasets as they're cached online in private gists).
Here's a collection of jq recipes I've collected over the last few months.
Push on to an existing array (where source is [1, 2, 3]
. + [ 4 ] # result: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Convert object to array, moving the key into the array item under the property
to_entries | map_values(.value + { slug: .key })
Convert an array to a keyed object (the inverse of the above example):
map({ (.slug): . }) | add
Swap the key/value pair to read as value/key object:
to_entries | map( {(.value) : .key } ) | add
Read a plain list of strings from a file into an array, specifically splitting into an array and removing the last empty \n
echo "1\n2\n3" | jq --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n")[:-1]'
Convert a plain list of timestamps to an array of objects with date and time separated (using jq's --slurp
and --raw-input
options combined):
cat timestamps.txt | jq --slurp --raw-input 'split("\n")[:-1] | map({
date: (. | strptime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") | todate[0:10]),
time: (. | strptime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") | todate[11:19])
From a plain list of timestamps, count the occurrences of unique days (the first part is from the example above):
split("\n")[:-1] | map({
date: (. | strptime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") | todate[0:10]),
time: (. | strptime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S") | todate[11:19])
}) | reduce .[] as $item (
{}; # initial value
.[$item.date] += 1 # reducer
Take an object with two similar objects, but separated between team and formerly, and merge into a single object, adding a flag for all those from the formerly group:
[.team, (.formerly | map(. + {formerly: true }))] | flatten
Download and extract all the files from a gist:
eval "$(
curl https://api.github.com/gists/968b8937a153127cfae4a173b6000c1e |
jq -r '
.files |
to_entries |
.[].value |
@sh "echo \(.content) > \(.filename)"
Update all outdated npm dependencies to latest (possibly unsafe as it'll also update to major changes):
npm i $(echo $(npm outdated --json | jq -r 'to_entries | .[] | "\(.key)@\(.value.latest)"'))
Change the above from .latest
to .wanted
for a safe upgrade.
Install the dependencies from one node project to another:
npm i $(cat ../other-project/package.json| jq '.dependencies | keys[]' -r)
Add a new property to every object:
map(. + { "draft": true })
[.[] | . + { "draft" : true }]
Add new property to every object in a nested object, i.e. source looks like:
"offline-panel": {
"title": "Offline Panel",
"tags": ["web"]
"rewrite-it": {
"title": "Let's just rewrite it",
"tags": ["business"]
with_entries(.value += { "draft": true})
Remove a property from a nested object (example as above):
with_entries(.value |= del(.title))
List all the dependencies in a package.json
for use in other commands, like npm uninstall
echo $(cat package.json | jq '.dependencies | keys | .[] | "\(.)"' -r)
Get mongodb data into jq compatible format:
mongo <host>/<db> --norc --username <user> --password <pwd> \
--eval 'printjson(db.getCollection("users").find().toArray())' | \
jq '.[]'
From Twitter's API, take all DM received and sent and transform into readable format sorted by date order:
[ .[] | {
date: .created_at,
from: { screen_name: .sender.screen_name },
to: { screen_name: .recipient.screen_name}
} ] |
Using Serverless and Next.js and working out which dependencies I need to force include (because they live in the .next
$ depcheck --json |
jq '
.using |
to_entries[] |
select(.value[] | contains("/.next/")) |
] |
unique |
sort[] | "- \(.)"
' -r
Note: also uses depcheck to resolve the npm dependencies.
From a nested tree of objects, find the object whose id
matches X:
curl -sL https://git.io/vxPyi | \
jq '.. | objects | select(.id == "0:16")'
Strip all occurrences of a property (email
in this example):
walk(if type == "object" then . | del(.email) else . end)
Note that the walk
function is missing from jq@1.5 and needs to be added (seen in demo).
Bulk insert into elastic search using a vanilla JSON array, i.e. [1,2,3,4] - zipping the array with the required elastic search metadata:
$ cat data.json | \
jq 'reduce .[] as $n ([]; . + [{ "index" : { "_index": "my-index", "_type" : "my-type" } }, $n]) | .[]' -c | \
curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" -XPOST http://localhost:9200/_bulk --data-binary "@-"
Filter an array, similar to a JavaScript array filter:
def filter(cond): map(select(cond));
filter(. > 2)
Converting a text output of columns and converting to a JSON object. In this case, running Zeit's now ls | jq --raw-input --slurp
to find out how many running instance I have:
split("\n")[1:-3] | # split into an array of strings, removing the 1st and last few blank lines
map([ split(" ")[] | select(. != "") ]) | # convert large spaces into individual colmns
map({ # map into a usable object
app: .[0],
url: .[1],
number: (if (.[2] == "-") then .[2] else .[2] | tonumber end),
type: .[3],
state: .[4],
age: .[5]
}) |
# now I can query the result - in this case: how many running and are npm
map(select(.number > 0 and .type == "NPM")) | length
Find duplicates in an array based on a key:
reduce .[].id as $item (
{}; # initial value
.[$item] += 1
) | to_entries[] | select(.value > 1)
] | from_entries
Quickly convert a list of strings into an array (for JavaScript dev, etc):
$ pbpaste | jq -Rs 'split("\n")' | pbcopy
Strip empty strings from arrays (at any level deep):
walk(if type == "array" then map(select(length > 0)) else . end)
Note that this requires the walk
method (that was removed in jq@1.5) but included in the demo below
Install my missing dependencies (determined by using depcheck):
.missing | to_entries | map(.key) | join(" ") | "npm i \(.)"
How to avoid non-existant keys when filtering for null
. Where endpoint
is sometimes missing, sometimes it's set to null
and I want those objects. First ensure the key is present, then select if null
map(select(has("endpoint") and .endpoint == null))
How to find null, ignoring non-existant keys - the invert of the above:
map(select(has("endpoint") | not))
CSV content transformed to a structured object, using rawInput
and slurp
. First the lines are split and the header is dropped, then each line is split by comma and mapped to a new object:
split("\n")[1:] | map(split(",") | { name: .[0 ], url: .[1], image: .[2], category: .[3] | tonumber })
Recursively find all the properties whose key is errors
whether it exists or not. The ..
unrolls the object, the ?
checks for the value or returns null
and the select(.)
is like a filter on truthy values:
[.. | .errors?[0] | select(.) ]
A generic CSV to JSON in jq. Obviously overkill (see csvkit and specifically csvjson), but it's doable and a good example of variables and reduce:
split("\n") | # break into lines
map(split(",")) | # comma sep
.[0] as $header | # save the header
.[1:] | # drop the header
. as $o | # save the current object, then
reduce .[] as $item( # reduce into a header keyed object
($o | index($item)) as $index |
.[$header[$index]] = $item
Take an objects properties and use them as both the key and value, for instance with this source:
"label": "house",
"value": "lloyds pharmacy"
"label": "house_number",
"value": "105"
"label": "road",
"value": "church road"
"label": "postcode",
"value": "bn3 2af"
"house": "lloyds pharmacy",
"house_number": "105",
"road": "church road",
"postcode": "bn3 2af"
Using ( .<prop> )
as a dynamic key:
map({ (.label): .value }) | add
Getting the standard deviation (and variance and mean) for a series of numbers:
def mean: reduce .[] as $n (0; . + $n) / length;
def pow2: . * .;
def variance: . | mean as $mean | map_values(. - $mean | pow2) | mean;
def stdev: . | variance | sqrt;
# pick those scores who
[.[].score] | # convert numbers to array
stdev as $stdev | # store in a variable
mean as $mean | # also store numbers in mean variable
map(select(. - $stdev > $mean) | . - $stdev) # filter those > 1 x stdev (and show by how much)
Sorting an object by it's value. We have to unroll the object first, run the sort, then rebuild the object:
to_entries | sort_by(.value) | from_entries
Convert an irregular object to a CSV file:
map({ start, duration, title, speaker: .name, twitter }) | # generate consistent structure
map(to_entries | map(.value) | @csv)[] # turn into csv structure
Count the occurrences of an element in an array (note that I don't think is this the best way of doing this, but it works):
reduce to_entries[] as $_ (
. + { ($_.value | tostring): (.[($_.value | tostring)] + 1) }
More of a word of warning: 0
is truthy:
if 0 then "true" else "false" end # "true"
List all the unique combinations without duplication in the list:
5 as $n | [reduce range(0; $n) as $i ([]; . + [[range(0;$n)]]) | combinations | select(unique | length == $n)]
Generates 120 long array of [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
in all the possible combinations.
Unique combinations of pairs of values - not allowing for repetition, i.e. [1,0]
and [0,1]
is duplication:
[1,2,3,4] | [combinations(2) | select(.[0] != .[1]) | sort] | unique
Generates all the combinations of [1,2], [1,3], [1,4], [2,3], [2,4], [3,4]
Chunk an array - so instead of an array containing 161 items, I have a two dimensional array 11 elements long holding 16 elements each except the last which holds one element:
# vars
. as $x | # capture the original data
(($x | length)/10) | floor as $by | # store size of 10%
[range(0;$x | length;$by)] | # generate a range jumping by 10%
map($x[.:.+$by]) # chunk the source data
Transform an object into jsdoc like property types and names:
to_entries |
# add the type and remove the value
map(. + { type: .value | type } | del(.value)) |
# transform to text in jsdoc fragment
map("* @property {\(.type)} \(.key)")[]
Convert a decimal value into a hex string:
def hexChr:
floor | if . < 10 then . else ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"][. % 10] end
def toHex:
def toHex:
if . / 16 >= 1 then
(. / 16 | toHex), (. % 16 | hexChr)
. % 16 | hexChr
[toHex] | join("")
Convert JSON object into a flat path based schema, i.e:
{ a: [ { b: 1 }, { b: 2} ], c: { d: true } }
// into
def flat($prefix):
map(.key as $key | (.value | type) as $type |
if $type == "array" then
.value[0] | to_entries | flat($prefix + $key + ".")
elif $type == "object" then
.value | to_entries | flat($prefix + $key + ".")
def flat: flat("");
first | to_entries | flat
Select the arrays where all the items are the same value:
def allSame:
first as $first | all(. == $first);
to_entries | map(select(.value | allSame)) | from_entries
Sum of values where numbers are new line separated and slurped:
reduce .[] as $_ (0; (. | tonumber) + $_)
Repeat an array:
[. as $_ | range($n) | $_] | flatten
Convert binary to decimal
def fromBinary:
reverse | . as $_ |
reduce range(length) as $i (
if $_[$i] == 1 then
. + pow(2; $i)
"1001" | split("") | map(tonumber) | fromBinary
All the unique domains requested by a web page. Open devtools, open the network tab and hit reload. Then select one entry and "Copy" - "Copy all as HAR":
[.log.entries[].request.url | split("/") | "\(.[0])//\(.[2])"] | unique
Pick every odd element in the array:
to_entries | map(select(.key % 2 == 0).value)
Drafts may be incomplete or entirely abandoned, so please forgive me. If you find an issue with a draft, or would like to see me write about something specifically, please try raising an issue.