Did you ever get a weird bash scripting issue where a variable would "randomly" eat characters of another command?
No…? Well, I have, quite a few times, so I figured it was time I wrote up my fix.
Tools used: curl
, awk
and od
The issue
I was writing a small shell function that used the output of a curl
command to make a secondary request. Except my function would fail with no useful error.
My first curl
was being piped through awk
so I could capture the Location
redirect URL, and use that URL as the source of the second request.
So, the first part looks like this (actual request shortened for the article):
$ curl https://api.tinify.com/shrink -D /dev/stdout \
awk '/Location:/ { printf $2 }'
Note that I'm using printf
in awk
so that a \n
isn't added.
The second request would do this:
$ curl $URL -X POST -d '{\"resize\":{\"method\":\"scale\",\"width\":1320}}'
Except this didn't work. And when I put echo
in front of the second curl (to validate the variables worked), it looked like this:
-X POST -d '{\"resize\":{\"method\":\"scale\",\"width\":1320}}'
Everything before and including the $URL
had be chomped.
Debugging invisible characters
I suspected some non-visible characters, but knowing what requires a tool that I occasionally turn to for looking at output in detail: od
(tl;dr manual)
If I pipe the output from my awk
command through od -c
(C-style escaped characters view), I get this:
0000000 h t t p s : / / a p i . t i n i
0000020 f y . c o m / o u t p u t / k d
0000040 n 3 b v w 6 w z b 2 t q j 8 6 9
0000060 n 6 c 5 y q 0 t c 3 4 g t 9 \r
Specifically, notice the very last character: \r
, carriage return. It's the carriage return that is specifically eating the text.
Striping unwanted characters in ack
During the awk
script, I can remove all white-space on the fly with this change, and the offensive character (specifically the \r
is striped):
$ curl https://api.tinify.com/shrink -D /dev/stdout \
awk '/Location/ { gsub(/[[:space:]]+$/, ""); printf $2 }' | \
od -c
0000000 h t t p s : / / a p i . t i n i
0000020 f y . c o m / o u t p u t / k d
0000040 n 3 b v w 6 w z b 2 t q j 8 6 9
0000060 n 6 c 5 y q 0 t c 3 4 g t 9
Now when I use the result from the curl
and it'll work.
The final result:
$ function shrink() {
# first upload and compress the filename argument
local URL=$(curl https://api.tinify.com/shrink \
--user api:$TINIFY_KEY \
--dump-header /dev/stdout \
--data-binary @$1 | \
awk '/Location/ { gsub(/[[:space:]]+$/, ""); printf $2 }'
# then download and overwrite the file with the newly shrunk file
curl -X POST $URL --user api:$TINIFY_KEY --dump-header /dev/stdout --output $1 -H 'content-type: application/json' -d'{"resize":{"method":"scale","width":1320}}'