Inspired by Dustin Diaz’s AJAX screencast, I thought it was time I made a little more use of iShowU and show how easy, and quick it can be to pile on some AJAX calories to pretty much any form.

The screencast is sans-sound, really just to try to keep my out-going bandwidth down, but I’ve commented along the way so you can understand (…hopefully…) what I’m doing, and why I’m doing it.

Download the QuickTime screencast, 9MB, a little over 10 minutes

If you can’t view the screencast, try DivX Web Player for Windows or the Mac.

You can also have a look the code used in the screencast to have a play or to upgrade.

As always, let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.

Watch out for this gotcha that I just stumbled in to: if your form has an input element with the name 'action', the line url: this.action is going to grab that element, rather than the form's action. Instead, use this.getAttribute('action')

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